2021 PFN Player: Joshua Grady – Cheltenham @_joshgrady @CheltenhamAth @CheltenhamPant1
Tagged under: District 1, News, Player Previews
contributor | July 14, 2021
Joshua Grady
Class 2023’
GPA 4.7
4 games played, 12/15 on PATs, 4.7 GPA
How long have you been kicking?
I’ve been kicking for about 2 years
What part of the kicking game do you enjoy the most?
My favorite part of the kicking game is definitely FG/PAT.
How much time do you guys practice the kicking game during practice?
We practice live special teams for a good bit at the beginning of our practice and after that, I spend time getting kicks in on my own.
Do you play any other sports in school?
Yes, I also play soccer
What is your favorite class?
PAFOOTBALLNEWS covered the Philly area during the spring season. How much did you guys enjoy the coverage?
I enjoyed the coverage a lot, and it was cool to see me and my teammates featured so often.
Which team do you enjoying posting a win over the most?
Definitely our rivals Abington even though we didn’t get to play them this season.
Who is the one teammate you can go to when you need advice on anything?
My fellow K/P freshman Matt Fox always hyped me up and helped me get better.
Which do you enjoy more Pro or college football?
College Football. Always been a big PSU fan.
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