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2022 PFN Player Profile: Brody Rishel – Mifflin County

Tagged under: District 6, News, Player Previews

| August 14, 2022

Brody Rishel
Mifflin County
Class Of 2023
Free safety
Jersey # 12
HT/WT 5’7”/ 145
54 tackles in 2021
Twitter @BrodyRishel

Why do you play football?
I love to compete and I’ve loved the game since I was 5

Who is your favorite sports star and why?
Jalen Ramsey, He plays defense very well so he’s someone I look up to and he plays the game with a lot of intensity

Do you have a favorite play you remember the most? Explain:
In 9th grade I picked up a blocked field goal and returned it for a touchdown to bring us within 3, this is my favorite because the energy from everyone after the play was awesome and we ended up winning the game

What are your goals for this coming season?
Win districts

What is your favorite Pro team, any sport?
Green Bay Packers

What game, yours, college or pro, was your favorite game and why?
My last game of little league football, because it was a hard fought game and we had a 2nd half come back to win the game

What sports movie would you watch every day if you had to pick one and why?
Miracle, because I love the underdog story of the U.S team not being expected to win at all and they defied all odds

What cartoon character do you think your head coach most resembles.

If your mom and dad are screaming at you from the stands, what is it they usually yell?
Make a tackle!

Name one thing that you’d love to do in football that may never happen?
Play in the NFL

Who is your mentor, the person you want to be like? WHY?
Jalen Ramsey, he plays defense so fast and smartly and I want to play like that

Name a sport you’d love to play but can’t:

What is your most embarrassing sports moment?
I once the thought the game was over so I ran on the field to celebrate and we still had to take another knee

Is there anyone in your family, besides your parents, you could consider your biggest fan? Who, Why?
My brother, he makes sure I go to every practice and that I workout. He also goes to every game no matter where it is

When you aren’t playing, practicing or training for sports, what is your go to activity and why?
Hunting, it’s very relaxing to sit in silence by yourself and the feeling of when you succeed is great

What is your favorite football memory to date?
Winning on a Hail Mary in 9th grade football

What is your favorite play to run?
Cover 1

What scares you the most?
Having to miss my senior season due to injury

Music of choice:

What was your favorite gift as a little boy? Why?
They were these little Penn state football players, it was my favorite because I like playing pretend football games with them

What restaurant is your go to when you need a big meal?

Which one? Sheetz or Wawa

What is your favorite vacation destination?
Outer Banks

Do you remember what the first football game you saw was?
My dad coached football for 20 years so I watched him and his team play every week

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