2022 PFN Player Spotlight-Marcus Crittendon- Upper Merion
Tagged under: District 1, Player Previews
contributor | July 1, 2022
Upper Merion
Class: 2023
Jersey: 13
Height: 6’1”
Other sports: basketball
Twitter: @MarcusCritt
What must you guys do as a team to make sure you have a winning record this season?
Guys need to make sure to bury their heads in the playbook this year so they know what they’re doing and we’re able to execute every play from offense to defense, to special teams. If we play smooth football we will for sure be successful.
What are your personal goals this season, as well as those for the team?
Some personal goals are just to score more and improve my stats from last year. But my team’s goals are to make it past the first round of district playoffs. We’ve been there a couple of times in my high school career and have yet to make it past the first round, so it would be amazing to get past that obstacle.
What have you done during the offseason to improve yourself on the field?
During the off-season, I’ve been in the weight room at least 4 times a week since the season ended, and I’ve also been going to the field with my quarterback to strengthen that connection and just make our game flow nicer than it has.
As far as road games go, where is the hardest place to play? Explain:
The hardest place to play is PJPII. This is just due to them having the worst field because their grass is terrible. And not just that, their game is always Saturday morning so it throws off the vibe.
What has playing football taught you that you will be able to use later in life?
It has taught me many things. One is just that hard work pays off. Every season I’ve seen improvement in my game and my teammate’s game and everyone has shown improvement. Seeing everyone get better is always a good feeling.
What are your thoughts on the state finals being moved out of Hershey?
I haven’t seen much about the finals getting moved, but I’m sure it getting moved allows the players to focus up more, and their head isn’t wrapped up in the amusement park and they’re not having too much fun and not being locked in.
After the season is over, is it important for you to be nominated to play in one or two of the All-Star games around the state?
Once my senior season is over, I would love to play in some all-star games. It gives me one last chance to showcase myself, put myself out there, and have some fun!
Have you watched any of the USFL games?
I’ve never watched any USFL games but I have seen highlights of some pretty good clips. I’m sure it’s great football at the end of the day.
What is your favorite type of music?
My favorite type of music would definitely be chill rap. Drake is definitely #1 for me. I could listen to him any time of the day in any situation. For sure.
Where is the best place to eat in your town?
In King of Prussia, I’ve been to a lot of places, but I’ve got to say the top place is North Italia at the KOP mall. Such good Italian food. I could always go for some good pasta and they seem to have it best. It is a bit pricy though I’d have to say
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