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2023 PFN Player Profile: Getting to Know Warren RB/DB Tommy Nyquist

Tagged under: District 10, News, Player Previews

| July 22, 2023

Tommy Nyquist
Running back/ slot/ Defensive back
Warren Area
Class Of 2024
positions you play
Jersey #22
HT/WT 5’8/ 175
1000+ rush yards and 500+ receiving yards in my junior year.
Other sports Basketball
1st team all region and all district for basketball, second team all region, offensive player of the year for basketball and football and defensive of the year for basketball
Twitter @tommynyquist10

Coach Bupp says “Tommy is an offensive coordinators dream. He can lineup at tailback, slot, or quarterback and has the ability to break a long one at any time. He has been a staple in the backfield the last 2 seasons, and we are excited to see what he can do this year coming off a 1,000 yd season. He is an all around athlete, with an incredible work ethic. He is the type of kid that is going to work hard, push those around him, and positive results are going to follow.”


Why do you play football?

It’s enjoyable to play and it creates many good memories with friends

Who is your favorite sports star and WHY?

Russell Westbrook because of his attitude and the way he gives a lot of effort

Do you have a favorite play you remember the most? Explain:

When I threw a touchdown pass to Ben white my sophomore year.

What was last years season like for you?

Last years season didn’t end the way I wanted it to with us not making the playoffs but overall I thought it was a great year and I’m looking forward to the upcoming one.

What are your goals for this coming season?

For us to make playoffs and go as far as possible.

Who is the best player you ever lined up against?

I’ve played many great players and it’s hard to choose one

What stadium, HS/college/pro would you love to visit for a game?

Acrisure Stadium

What is your favorite Pro team, any sport?


What game, yours, college or pro, was your favorite game you watched and why?

Alabama vs Auburn in 2013 because of the crazy field goal return at the end of the game.

What would you do to improve the recruiting process?

Describe what the perfect teammate is

A perfect teammate is when they work hard and don’t give up no matter what and they are able to put themselves on the line for their other teammates

Tell everyone why you think football is good for a community

It’s a team sport and it always seems to bring the whole community together to watch a game or even anything football related

Name one thing that you’d love to do in football that may never happen?

Hurdle someone

Who is your mentor, the person you want to be like? WHY?

My dad, I look up to him because he taught me everything I know and is just an overall great person

What is your favorite practice drill? What is your least favorite practice drill?

Preseason Two a Days are: 

Hard work

Is there anyone in your family, besides your parents, you could consider your biggest fan? Who, Why?

When you aren’t playing, practicing or training for sports, what is your go to activity and why?

Golfing or playing video games

What is your favorite football memory to date?

When we played Oil city my sophomore year during the homecoming game

What is your favorite play to run?

I don’t have one

is a hot dog a sandwich?


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