2021 PFN Player Preview: Josh Clark-Honesdale Hornets @josh74clark @HHSHornets_FB @Coach_Russick64
Tagged under: District 2, News, Player Previews
Daniel Reed | July 10, 2021
Josh Clark
Honesdale Hornets
Class of: 2022
GPA: 4.1899
Position(s): OL (Center/guard/tackle) / DL (DT)
Ht: 6’4 – Wt: 265
LPF Lackawanna Division II All Star
2x PFN Academic Gold Team
Other Sports: Wrestling
2020, or Career Stats: N/A
Twitter: @josh74clark
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the best part about playing football?
The comradery I’ve developed with all my teammates.
What has been your best memory from football so far?
Our game last season at PNC field was unreal.
Who is your favorite pro athlete and why?
Mark Messier was an unreal hockey player and in my opinion the best captain any sport has ever seen.
Is there any specific person you look up to and use as a role model?
My parents managed to make their best case scenario despite being dealt an awful hand.
What would be your desired major in college?
Biology (Premed)
Coming off a year with COVID struggles, what do you think this year will be like?
This year will be one of the best seasons with fans coming back to stadiums in full capacity.
Favorite play to run?
Fullback dive
Favorite pre-game meal?
Penne Vodka or Mac-n-cheese
Favorite place to eat out?
Royal Buffet
Favorite sports movie?
Pregame music genre to get you pumped up?
Heavy metal or alt-rock
Favorite class in school?
Favorite activity you do during the off season?
Other than your home stadium/field, what stadium/field would you rate the best?
Abington’s field is so cool to me.
Most embarrassing sports moment?
My sophomore year against West Scranton I just offside on our last big drive.
College Offers… If so, by what schools?
None at the moment.
What are you looking forward to most this year?
To finally make Honesdale a force to be reckoned with.
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