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2022 PFN Player Profile: Adam Noll – Conrad Weiser

Tagged under: District 3, News, Player Previews

| June 17, 2022

Adam Noll
Conrad Weiser
Class Of 2023
positions you play
Jersey #42
6ft 175
Other sports – Soccer, Basketball, Tennis
Division 2 First Team Kicker and Punter Berks County First Team Kicker
Twitter @Adamnoll42

Why do you play football?
I play football for the opportunity presented to me during games. It teaches me a lot of tough lessons that help me on and off the field.

Who is your favorite sports star and why?
Stephen Curry because of his ability to affect the game when he doesn’t have the ball in his hands.

What are your goals for this coming season?
My goals for the coming season is to be 100% on all my kicks. I want to leave everything out on the field.

What is your favorite Pro team, any sport?
The Green Bay Packers. Even though they always let the fans down in the playoffs, watching Aaron Rodgers perform at such a high level ever week if fun to watch.

What game, yours, college or pro, was your favorite game and why?
One of the best games I’ve ever seen in person was at my brothers college Delaware State University. It was the craziest comeback I’ve ever seen in a football game. It was also my first time seeing my brother play at the D1 level.

What sports movie would you watch every day if you had to pick one and why?
The Blindside. I love the story line and message. In order to play in college you need to stay on top of school work and grades.

If your mom and dad are screaming at you from the stands, what is it they usually yell?
They would mostly say “Come on 42” or any number I’m wearing for my sport.

Name one thing that you’d love to do in football that may never happen?*
I would love to hit a game winning field goal. Something that takes a lot of guts, but the opportunity to get a chance would be special.

Name a sport you’d love to play but can’t:
I wish I could play golf, but I have an inconsistent backswing.

What is your most embarrassing sports moment?
I missed a penalty kick in 8th grade in our first game. I hit the ball 10 feet over the goal.

Is there anyone in your family, besides your parents, you could consider your biggest fan? Who, Why?
I would say my grandparents. They come to all my sporting events, sometimes even when I go to the school to kick football. I appreciate them staying invested even when our team is at a high or low.

When you aren’t playing, practicing or training for sports, what is your go to activity and why?
It’s rare when I’m not playing a sport, since I have at least one every season. When I’m not training, I like to watch sports or listen to podcasts.

What is your favorite football memory to date?
My favorite football memory was seeing my brother break the most field goals in a season in Berks County history. Seeing that all his hard work had payed off inspires me to put in that same amount of work.

What is your favorite play to run?
Since I’m a kicker, the one play I love to run is extra point. I like when my team scores touchdowns on offense.

What scares you the most?
Missing an opportunity because of my own actions. Or not taking a chance or risk in life.

Which one? Sheetz or Wawa
Sheetz by far. MTOs are the go to.

What is your favorite vacation destination?*
Stone Harbor Beach

Do you remember what the first football game you saw was?
2011 Super Bowl when the Packers beat the Steelers

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