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2020 Player Preview: Kevin Baum, Penns Manor @PennsManor

Tagged under: District 6, News, Player Previews

| July 5, 2020


Kevin Baum
Penns Manor
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 170lbs
Hudl Link:

1. Who or what does your interest in football come from? If it’s a specific moment, when did it happen?
ANSWER: My interest in sports came from watching the NFL when I was younger

2. Name an athlete that you look up to. What is it about that athlete do you respect?
ANSWER: I always looked up to Kobe because of his unmatchable work ethic

3. If you could relive one sports moment in your life, what would it be? Why?
ANSWER: Ligonier Valley game in Junior High football, that game was overall a lot of fun and it was my first game in a cast

4. What would you tell a six-year-old version of yourself?
ANSWER: Always work harder

5. How have you evolved as a player since your first game as a Freshman?
ANSWER: I began to weight lift a lot more and worked on gaining speed

6. What do you do to “cheer up” after you lose a game?
ANSWER: I usually just brush it off and focus on the next week

7. What is the most memorable thing that a coach has told you?
ANSWER: In 9th grade a coach said I have lots of potential and back then it really inspired me

8. What is the most physically demanding task that you have ever had to do?
ANSWER: Mine would be playing through the first half of the West Shamokin game last year even though I was in a lot of pain

9. What other sports do you play? What skills have you developed in football that have helped you in those sports?
ANSWER: I also play basketball and I feel this helped me a lot with hand-eye coordination

10. What have you been doing to stay connected with your teammates/coaches during this pandemic?
ANSWER: I lift with my friends and play a lot of basketball

11. How have you been staying physically fit during this pandemic? What are you looking forward to once this is over?
ANSWER: I’ve been playing a lot of sports to help stay active and I’m just looking forward to seeing all my friends again and playing organized sports again

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