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2022 PFN Player Spotlight -Michael Krejocic -Homer-Center Wildcats

Tagged under: District 6, News, Player Previews

| June 27, 2022

Michael Krejocic
Homer Center
Jersey# 24
Class of 2023
Twitter @Michael73903261

How long have you been playing football?

Since 3rd grade

What other sports do you play?

Baseball and Basketball

What has football taught you?

Teamwork, leadership

What are your team and personal goals?

Winning D6

What is your favorite football moment?

Going to the D6 championship my sophomore year.

What do you hate most about practice?

Running hills

Favorite sports movie?


What do you like to do when not playing?

Hangout with my girlfriend and friends

What is your favorite sport?


What is your favorite class in school?


Who is your sports hero? Why?

I don’t have a specific one.

What would you like to be when you get out of school?

Athletic trainer

If you could have dinner with three other people, living or dead, who would they be?

Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, and my Pap Ron Krejocic

What is your favorite song?

Jimmy Cooks

What is your favorite food?


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