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2023 PFN Player Profile: Getting to know Frazier LB/OL Bruno Sammartino

Tagged under: District 7, News, Player Previews

| May 18, 2023

Bruno Sammartino
Frazier High School
Class Of 2024
Jersey #59
HT/WT5”10 205
Twitter @b_sammartino75

Grandson of pro wrestler Bruno Sammartino, Frazier defensive lineman Bruno Sammartino will be “moving to linebacker after losing weight, mobile guard who should help running game” according to head coach Mike Shannon. Bruno shared his experience of having a famous professional wrestler as a grandfather as well as his insights on why he plays and loves the game of football.

Bruno talks about his famous grandfather:

What’s it like having had a grandfather that was world famous wrestler? Have you ever seen any of his matches?

To me I saw him as a normal grandpa. He passed when I was younger and didn’t really understand how big and global he really was. I still to this day look at him as my grandpa. I don’t look at him as a famous wrestler, I look at him as my grandpa that I loved. I’ve seen a bunch of his matches. My dad had a ton on tape. I find it fascinating watching all of his old matches and when wwe was actually a real sport you know what I mean?

Obviously you were pretty young when he passed, do you have any memories of him?

I have a ton of memories with him. whether it’s going to wrestlemania or just hanging out at his house eating pizza. i wish he would’ve lived to see how i am now but i know he’s looking down watching the man i’m turning into.

Are you a professional wrestling fan? If so, favorite wrestler?

I personally don’t watch wrestling. i just don’t find it much entertaining. I prefer a Sunday night NFL game or NBA games. I think all the action is cool and all but I just can’t sit down and watch it. If I had to pick a favorite wrestler tho besides my grandpa i would have to say Jeff Hardy. His style and the face paint was always just really cool to me.

About why he plays football:

Why do you play football?

it makes me feel at home and i love it

Who is your favorite sports star and WHY?

Ray Lewis. He’s an amazing player and i’ve just always loved him ever since i was a kid

Do you have a favorite play you remember the most? Explain:

probably pulling and opening up a gap for our running back to score and put us in the lead

What was last years season like for you?

it was good. i played every snap and it gave me a good idea of how i can play better this year

What are your goals for this coming season?

a high tackle season and to help the team to make the playoffs

Who is the best player you ever lined up against?

probably a division 1 linebacker commit that goes to leechburg. or a 6”5 270 pound defensive tackle

What stadium, HS/college/pro would you love to visit for a game?

id love to go and watch a penn state game

What is your favorite Pro team, any sport?

the steelers. i’ve always loved the steelers ever since i was really little

What game, yours, college or pro, was your favorite game you watched and why?

probably our game against springdale. we were on a huge losing streak and that was the game to finally end it

What would you do to improve the recruiting process?

i’ve been working on mobility and strength. cut my 40 time down around .6 – .7 seconds

Describe what the perfect teammate is

a teammate that will bring you up when u mess up and encourage you but also let you know what it is and how to fix it

Tell everyone why you think football is good for a community

It brings people together and forms a family bond most people will never experience.

Name one thing that you’d love to do in football that may never happen?

i’d love to jump the line on an extra point and block the kick

Who is your mentor, the person you want to be like? WHY?

my mentor is my best friend. he introduced me to the sport and has given me tips and lifted me up when i would mess up and has made highschool football an amazing experience so far

What is your favorite practice drill? What is your least favorite practice drill?

hitting drills any sort of hitting drill i love aswell as varsity defense vs pracitce squad offense. and conditioning is my least favorite

Preseason Two a Days are: 

they’re fun but can be a lot. i don’t mind them and i think it’s a great way to spend the summer but i think if it was more than a week they could be rough

Is there anyone in your family, besides your parents, you could consider your biggest fan? Who, Why?

probably my friends parents. they root me on every game and say constantly how proud they are of me

When you aren’t playing, practicing or training for sports, what is your go to activity and why?

i lift weights for myself. i love lifting weights, it’s a passion i have. ever since i started training my body it’s become an addiction to the point where when i miss, i get really disappointed in myself

What is your favorite football memory to date?

when we ended our losing streak

What is your favorite play to run?

any play with action

is a hot dog a sandwich?


Music of choice:

i really like older music in the 90s but i also love alternative rock

Best thing you ever got from a teammate? Why?

best thing i ever got was my teammate telling me that i’m their mentor

Best Pizza topping? 


Which one? Sheetz or Wawa


What is your favorite vacation destination?

i like ocean city

Do you remember what the first football game you saw was?

a steelers game back around 2011


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