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Rules of the Game – The Ransom Report – Edition 10

Tagged under: Coaches Corner, News, Officiating

| October 27, 2023

October 27th 2023

EDITION – 10.1

Week 10 of the PIAA Football Season is upon us.  This means different things to different people.  Some teams are anxious to end a season where they underperformed.  Others are attempting to prepare for playoffs.  Others are already looking forward to the work they need to put in during the off season.

However, every team in the state has a very special kind of kid.  A kid that has played this incredibly difficult game since he was in elementary school.  A kid who loves the team, the school, and the community more than himself.  The kid that plays for the joy rather than the win.  The kid that coaches could count on, and teammates knew would always do his best……………. The kid that will be playing his last snap of football tonight.

Everyone has their last snap.  You might even remember your last snap.  Some of us don’t know when it will be, but it will always happen.

As high school kids graduate and enter the real world they will have experiences greater than high school football.  The birth of their children, the day they get married and earning your first job are all things that will likely be greater experiences.

However, tonight, for “those kids”, nothing will be bigger than their last down of football.

The Ransom Report wants to celebrate them, honor them, and recognize their commitment to America’s greatest game.  We wish you nothing but the absolute best of luck.

Now let’s dive into our weekly plays.  We are going to look at sideline fouls and how they are enforced.



It is 3rd and 4 from the Offenses 36-yard line.  While the offensive coordinator is calling plays he steps 4-5 yards onto the field.  The official provides 2 prompts to stay off the field.  The official then flags the Offensive Coordinator for a “sideline violation”.  This is the first flag of this kind on the Offensive Team.


It is 3rd and 4 from the Offenses 36-yard line.  The Offensive Head Coach is questioning the official about a previous play while the offense is lining up to run their next play.  Prior to the snap, the Head Coach swears and stands in the referees face so that the referee is unable to see the field.  He is flagged for Unsportsmanlike Conduct prior to the impending playing being snapped.


It is 3rd and 4 from the Offenses 36-yard line.  The Offensive Head Coach is questioning the official about a previous play while the offense is lining up to run a play.  The offense snaps the ball.  The Quarterback runs the ball to the Offense’s 45-yard line when he is pushed out of bounds.  During the run, the Head Coach screams as the official, swears and throws his clip board onto the ground.  He is flagged for Unsportsmanlike Conduct during the play.



Interested in becoming a PIAA Football official?  Contact the PIAA or any local official.  They can help you get started.  Have a question about this column?  I can be reached at



Play #1: The result will be 3rd and 4 from the Offenses 36-yard line.  The first “sideline violation” is considered a warning.  A flag is thrown, a signal is provided to the press box however no yardage is administered. 


Play #2: The result will be 3rd and 19 from the Offense’s 21-yard line.  Unsportsmanlike fouls prior to the snap are “shutdown” and enforced from the current spot.  In this case, the flag was thrown prior to the start of the play.  This means that the action of the play is shut down and the enforcement of the foul is administered. 


Play #3: The result is 1st and 10 from the Offense’s 30-yard line.  Unsportsmanlike fouls during the play are administered as dead ball fouls as if they occurred after the play.  In this case, the play will stand, and the result is a first down for the offense at the 45-yard line.  Because the unsportsmanlike foul occurred during the play it is enforced as a dead ball foul.  The enforcement spot is the end of the play.  Move the ball back 15 yards from the 45-yard line.  This makes it 1st and 10 from the Offense’s 30-yard line.  (NOTE: Do not get mixed up with the differences between Unsportsmanlike Fouls and Personal Fouls)


 Join me early next week for a special “Playoff Edition.”  We will be sharing some funny stories about officiating that has occurred over the years.

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