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Rules of the Game – The Ransom Report – Edition 9.1

Tagged under: Coaches Corner, News, Officiating

| October 17, 2023

October 17th 2023


I am in the middle of the 28th season as a PIAA football official.  However, over the last two years I have not seen many snaps while in stripes.  This is due to my son playing varsity football at the smallest public school in the state fielding a football team; Bucktail Area High School.  Instead of officiating, I decided to step off the field and watch my son play the game he loves.

Life is full of tough choices; this was an easy one!

One of the reasons for agreeing to write this column every week was to recruit new officials.  Officiating has been one of the best decisions of my life.  There are many benefits of becoming a high school official.

Over the last 28 years I have had the opportunity to make dozens of great friends, be witness to sportsmanship at its best, interact with some of the best athletes and coaches in the state of Pennsylvania, learn priceless lessons about poise under fire and have a front row seat to many storybook events of both triumph and tragedy.

I have had this honor, because for the last 28 years I have been an active PIAA football official.

Many might wonder how anyone in their right mind would want to be screamed at by fans, questioned by coaches and doubted by players on a regular basis. These are fair concerns, but all take a distant back seat to the benefits an official receives for having worked even one game.

These benefits include:

1) Creating friendships that will last a lifetime – I have made friends during the last 28 years that I am happy to say will be at my side for a long time to come.

2) Supplemental income – In an average year most officials profit approximately $3000 per season. If you are willing and able to work 4 evenings per week, this amount can easily be doubled. This is a great income for college students.

3) Schedule Flexibility – Many potential officials claim they do not have the time. This is a fair concern, but the beauty of officiating is that you take only the games you can work. You are never forced to work a game.

4) Learned skills for your professional life – During any given contest, I may have to defuse arguments, calm coaches, enforce rules and maintain order. These are all skills that have proven to be worthy in my professional life.

5) Satisfaction in a job well done – All officials will have a sense of satisfaction in a job well done when they walk off the field knowing that they “worked” a good game. This type of satisfaction is not easily found.

6) Remaining active and involved in a sport you love – I grew up, like many, playing football with friends, in Junior High School and then finally at the Varsity level. Officiating allows me to stay involved in a sport that has given me so much.

7) Exercising while working – Officiating football requires a fair amount of running. This allows you to stay in shape and remain active while working.

8) Remaining involved with the youth of Pennsylvania – All of Pennsylvania and my local high school has given me a safe haven in which to grow up in and participate in sport. Officiating in a professional manner allows me to give back in a unique way.

All of Pennsylvania is experiencing an officiating shortage. The PIAA is currently running a recruiting effort in hopes of obtaining new officials for football, and other sports.

The steps to become certified are relatively easy. These steps include:

1) Signing up for the proper exam on the PIAA Website (

2) Studying for the exam using the Rules Book and Practice Test that the PIAA will send you.

3) Complete the online exam with a passing score.

4) Join a local chapter to continue your growth as an official

5) Attend in-season meetings.

If you have questions about the process feel free to reach out to me at or to any local official.  Contacting the PIAA directly should help you also.

If this is something that you intend to do then I wish you the absolute best of luck.  You will not regret it.

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