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Welcome to the new PFN website

Tagged under: News

| August 19, 2014

Tom Elling & Rich Vetock

Tom Elling & Rich Vetock

Rich Vetock and Tom Elling had a vision. – to start a newspaper that just covered high school football in the state of Pennsylvania.  That vision become a reality in 1997 and although the paper is no longer printed, the Pennsylvania Football News lives on.

We would like to welcome everyone to the new PFN wesbite.  Although Rich and Tom will still be involved in (probably forever) with high school football, they have decided to pass the torch to the next generation.

“We are officially retiring as co-editors of Pennsylvania Football News, said PFN founders Rich Vetock and Tom Elling in a joint statement.  “We want to applaud the many contributors who helped us realize a dream of providing the first-ever newspaper dedicate do Pennsylvania High School football. Without these contributors, it would have been impossible to produce the paper and the subsequent website.”

We have turned the site over to Chris Kucharski, and we feel very comfortable that Chris will maintain the brand in a highly professional manner. We would like to take this time to wish Chris and his staff the very best and ask that everyone continues to support high school football in the Keystone State.

Chris Kucharski

Chris Kucharski

“I am both honored and privileged to take over the reins at PFN, ” said Kucharski, who has been covering football for 15 years in both District 7 and District 2.  “The impact both Rich and Tom have had on high school football in PA is immeasurable.  We will keep doing many of the things that made PFN what it is today and also move the brand forward into the digital age. ”

As you can already see, the new website is the first step.

“We hope everyone will be patient while we continue to build the new PFN website,” remarked Kucharski who is a Kutztown High School and Syracuse University grad. “We would like to have had more done at this point, but we also wanted to be up-and-running for the beginning of the season. ”

“You will be seeing many of the old features and familiar faces as well as new features and some new contributors.”


Here are some cool things you can do on the new PFN website:

  • Easy-to-use navigation
  • Home pages for all District
  • Comments sections below all features and stories.
  • PFN Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts
  • College football section for NCAA Division I, II and III schools
  • Recruiting section to cover all PA blue-chippers
  • More to come

PFN is always looking for writers, reporters and photographers.  If you would like to be involved, email and if you were a contributor in the past, please get in touch so we can get you back on the site.



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