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STRONG WORDS spoken at this years SCFCA Media Day held at Mountain Valley Golf Clubhouse !

Tagged under: District 11, News

| August 4, 2023

Many members of the media from all over the region came in support of the 2023 SCFCA Media Day held at Mountain Valley Golf Course’ Clubhouse. The event was sponsored by The Funding Zone, @TheFundingZone @MSFundingZ on Twitter. Schuylkill Haven Hurricanes Head Coach Mike Farr started things off by letting everyone know how big and well known Schuylkill County, aka: Coal Region Football has become around the state, even stating that “arguably, some of the best coaches in the state are right here in Schuylkill County”. Coach Farr would go on to say how the brand of football, played in the region, “is on the rise”, back in around 2007/08, nobody even know what Coal Region Football was, but today, it’s a different situation, today, “when we talk about Schuylkill County football, people know about it.” He would add on how social media has played a big role in the word being spread about the regions brand of football.

After Coach Farr would finish his speech, and the players and coaches would announce their names, we had the pleasure of hearing from PIAA OFFICIAL Jim Toomey. Mr. Toomey, who is currently in his 30th year of officiating, would talk about that when he(the officials) puts that jersey on, he is “NOT AN ANIMAL”, what that means is, when officials put that jersey on, on Friday nights, “you don’t get an opportunity to scream at him, kick him, or whatever you want to do”, but also means, “he doesn’t have the opportunity to do the same to you.” He would go on to say, “we have to have a greater respect for each other”, this goes for fans/spectators as well. Toomey also mentioned how with today’s game, and how it is, plus more, the penalties are going to be more severe that could result in additional suspensions. The WORDS for the day at the SCFCA Media Day in my opinion, were “RESPECT”, and “COMMUNICATION”.

During the day, I had the pleasure of speaking with a few players as well as a couple coaches to get their thoughts on the upcoming season. We talked about what some players may have done over the offseason such as camps and stuff. You can listen to the interviews by clicking each of the links below. I’d like to wish all the teams and coaches much success, and hope to see some great football games throughout the season. Play Hard and Respect the Game.

Captains and Coach Photos:


Head Coach: Mike Farr

Speaks about today’s game with foul language, treatment of the officials resulting in bigger, more severe penalties.

Jaxson Chowansky-North Schuylkill Spartans: Talks about his injury and getting time to play plus more !

Minersville Quarterback-Dante Carr: Tells us how he’s been working hard a lot this offseason with his QB Coach Jim K. as well his WR’S and how he trusts his offensive line.

For the entire day’s video of the event, go to to watch ! Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel for weekly game highlights and interviews as well as follow along on Twitter for in game updates and scores at @PFNDan570FB and @PaFootballNews. Be sure to go to for all your Pennsylvania High School Football needs such as Conference Previews which start to roll out next week.

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